Inner Fitness

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Are You A Hero/Heroine?

As I approach my birthday I can honestly say that I look forward to the possibilities ahead. I have grown comfortable with myself  and where I have landed. Feeling strong, grounded, healthy and more peaceful. I no longer sweat the small stuff and do my best on the big issues to make decisions from a higher state of consciousness on a regular basis. 
I know the world can appear to be very bleak sometimes and I don’t shy away from the many concerns of the planet and the human condition itself. The last few years have taught us how quickly life can change and the importance of flexibility  enabling skills to pivot. 
Nevertheless call me an optimist, a believer in that together we can all do better and be better. I share with you some thoughts for issues I have heard repeatedly heard in coaching my clients that personally resonate with me.
Being able to face all aspects of ourselves with acute awareness and compassion is a vital step on the path toward a meaningful and fulfilled life. Be kind, loving, and compassionate. Start with yourself as it will then get easier with those around you.
Trust the inner voice. It’s the best guide to fostering this ability we allow ourselves to plug into the Divine within one’s self; creating a powerful link between the inner and outer worlds we inhabit. It’s living in the state of flow we practice when we do our practices… yoga, meditation, sound baths…whatever you use to achieve those higher states.
When you are going through a rough patch, go into it and feel the pain or sorrow with an open heart. Someone else is probably having a similar experience. You are not alone. Remember, the deeper the pain, the deeper the joy. Emotions help define us in every way. Restraining ourselves from emotion is like the cutting off a part of our being; we limit ourselves and therefore, the life we live. Simply allowing ourselves to feel in the moment gives us tremendous freedom to interact with all of life’s beauty, Live life fearlessly. 

Don’t be afraid of failure. Great things can happen after multiple effort. I remember when I first started teaching yoga and meditation. People looked at me as an oddball. “What are we doing sitting in a room in silence?” I was asked frequently. “Just being” I responded. No one knew what I was talking about…until they did. I was on a mission and wasn’t afraid to fail because I knew there were people out there who would get it. And they did and I built a business around it.
If we are responsible to our true inner selves, we naturally become more involved in our families, communities and Mother Earth as a whole. We affect the greater consciousness of the world when we become consciousness of our own personal actions. We can all do better. It’s why we are here.
Forgiveness is not something you necessarily something you work through or unearth but simply a decision you can make. Forgiveness actually strengthens you. Not only in what it takes to accomplish forgiving someone or yourself but that it opens and frees you to love, which is a constant source of energy and vitality.
Be mindful of the crowd you surround yourself with. We have a birth family and our chosen family. Surround yourself with those who believe in you and rid yourself of those don’t. That holds true both in your personal life as well as business. Leave yourself open to different points of view and don’t get stuck in one way of thinking.
 Live with passion, enthusiasm and keep the sexual energy flowing. Allow the wonder of your inner child  to express how extraordinary it is to be alive. 
Work on staying healthy. Keep moving, be in nature frequently and walk with your head held high and take it your surroundings. Eat high vibration food that nourishes you instead of numbing you or using as an emotional outlet.
Live every day and enjoy it as if its your last. That alone will up your game.

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